Anyone can attend a TouchCast TownHall without needing to download software. Attendees simply need the registration link. After registering, the attendee will receive the URL for the TownHall.

Note: If you are an organizer or presenter, please scroll down for the System Requirements for the Host.

System Requirements for Attendees:

Operating system:
Windows 8 – Windows 10
Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) – 10.12 (Sierra)
Linux / Ubuntu
Google Chrome OS (Chromebook)

Web Browser:
Google Chrome v39 or later
Mozilla Firefox v34 or later 
Internet Explorer v8 or later (Windows 7 will not work)
Microsoft Edge v12 or later
Apple Safari v6 or later

Internet connection:
15 Mbps or better (broadband recommended)
3G connection or better (WiFi recommended for VoIP audio) for Chromebooks

2GB or more of RAM
Microphone and speakers (USB headset recommended**) if unmuted by the host

System Requirements for the Host:

Hosting a TouchCast TownHall requires running TouchCast Studio for iPad with a Partner ID. Download TouchCast Studio from the Apple iTunes App Store for your iPad Air or faster. You should have a Partner ID provided by TouchCast to enter into the app to unlock the live stream feature.

Model of iPad:
Air (minimum) or Pro (or later recommended)

Operating system:
iOS 10 (or later)

App Version:
TouchCast Studio for iPad, v1.19 (or later)

Internet connection:
15 Mbps or better (broadband recommended)