Before you can start to use Pitch you need to....

Have the correct hardware

Make sure you have a desktop or laptop computer running Windows 10 operating system. See minimum system requirements.

Have a license

If you are not sure if you have a license to use the TouchCast Product/s please contact

You have a license and the correct computer, now you can create your account

On your desktop/laptop. Please create your touchcast account by clicking here, this account can be used for any TouchCast product.

Downloading TouchCast Pitch for Windows 10

You can now download the TouchCast Pitch application directly from the Microsoft Store on your computer.

If for any reason you can not access the Microsoft Store, please install from your company's store. If you are unable to access this, please contact your local IT helpdesk or contact and we will assist. 

Here you will find a few useful quick guides

Demo of Pitch 1

Pitch Tutorial

Fabric tutorial