Web page troubleshooting guide
In some cases when viewers experience issues with the website, we may want to ask them to gather some logs and debugging information from their browser to troubleshoot the issue. Below are the steps to gather the logs and provide them to Touchcast.
Open the event page
Use the Ctrl + Shift + i keyboard shortcut to open browser Dev Tools
While in Dev Tools window/panel, go to the Network tab
Refresh the web page while keeping Dev Tools open. Replicate the problem
Right-click on the left sidebar in the Network tab and select the “Save all as HAR with content” or “Export as HAR“ option. Save the HAR file to the computer
Open the Console tab, right-click on the text there, select the “Save as…“. Save the log file to the computer. If the “Save as…“ option is not available, copy the contents to another program (text editor) and save the file
Send us the HAR and LOG files from steps 5 and 6 through the representative assisting with the issue troubleshooting.
Open the event page
Use the Command + Option + i keyboard shortcut to open browser Dev Tools
While in Dev Tools window/panel, go to the Network tab
Refresh the web page while keeping Dev Tools open. Replicate the problem
Right-click on the left sidebar in the Network tab and select the “Save all as HAR with content” or ”Export HAR” option. Save the HAR file to the computer
Open the Console tab, select all text there by pressing Command + A. Then right-click on the selection and pick the “Save Selection“ option from the menu. Save the log file to the computer
Send us the HAR an LOG files from steps 5 and 6 through the representative assisting with the issue troubleshooting.