Touchcast Genything App - End User Guide

Touchcast Genything App - End User Guide


What is Genything?

Genything is a groundbreaking product that empowers you to create immersive, conversational, and multimodal content using the power of generative AI.


With Genything, you can create a digital twin of yourself or use one of dozens of professional avatars and create wide range of content formats, including articles, podcasts, presentations, webinars, courses, and even entire virtual events, all using the power of AI.


Whether you're a marketing professional, sales representative, or L&D specialist, Genything empowers you to communicate your message effectively and engage your audience like never before.​


System Requirements

The minimum system requirements to use Genything are:


Apple Silicon-based computer

Processor: M1

Memory: 16GB of RAM

Storage: 20GB

Operating System: macOS 13.x.x


The recommended system requirements to use Genything are:


Apple Silicon-based computer

Processor: M3 or newer

Memory: 32GB of RAM or more

Storage: 50GB minimum of permanent storage

Operating System: macOS 14.4.x or newer


An Internet connection is required along with a provisioned account.

Please note: Whilst you can install Genything onto an Intel-powered Apple Mac, we do not recommend this as you will likely encounter long generation times, absent features and slow performance.


Installation and Setup

Please follow the below instructions to install and setup Genything.

To get started, install TestFlight on the device you’ll use for testing. Once your email has been approved by Touchcast, you will receive an invitation to install Genything.

  1. Install TestFlight on the Mac that you’ll use for testing.

  2. Open your email invitation and click ‘View in TestFlight’.

  3. If you’re a new Genything user, click ‘Accept’.

  4. Click Install to install the app on your device.

  5. If you’re a returning user, click ‘Update’ or ‘Open’.












After you have installed Genything, you will be prompted to sign in, before you are greeted by the Genything Home Screen. Use the same email to sign in that you were invited to, unless told otherwise.


Exploring Genything

You can think about the Genything home screen as 4 sections, which can be broken down easily based on the scenario. For instance:

I want to create a PRESENTATION featuring BRENDA in the IVORY HALL talking about THE FUTURE OF AI in an EDUCATIONAL style.

Let’s explore each one.


Section 1 – Content Type




This first section is where you can choose what kind of content you would like to create.


In Presentation mode, you can provide source material, select a speaker, and generate a presentation. You can select a style and how many minutes (the number of slides) you would like.


In Podcast mode, select a host plus 1 to 3 guests. The host begins the conversation and will ask guests your predetermined number of questions, closing the podcast with a conclusion.


In Instructional mode, after you have generated your session, Genything will pre-select SCORM as an export option where you can generate a quiz.


In Video mode Genything will skip any script creation and will instead open an Editor where you can enter your own script and slide text. You can add more slides, rearrange them, and type script content for each slide (this is also possible in other modes). Video mode is a quick way to create customised, manual content and can be used to generate a video of a speaker against a background, such as a green screen.


Writer Studio is a powerful text generator with over 95 templates to choose from such as Interview Questions, Lesson Plans, Non-Disclosure Agreements, Project Proposals, to more informal options like a YouTube video Script, Homework Helper, and Stand-up Comedy mode. Fill in the fields and Genything will generate text you need.


For some content choices, you can choose a different export option than what may originally be chosen. For instance, if you chose Instructional mode, but actually just need a video not a SCORM export, that option is still available to you.

Section 2 – Avatar



Genything comes pre-loaded with stock avatars. You can choose from:

  • 34 Influencers (YouTuber-style in casual, cool clothing)

  • 23 Leaders (in Casual, Business Casual, and Business clothing)


If you prefer, you can ‘clone’ yourself and create a SynthMe digital avatar. This feature uses a camera and microphone on your computer and requires 1 minute of talking to the camera. Afterwards, your voice is cloned, and your digital twin is available to be used in the ‘My Twins’ tab.


You can also choose ‘webcam’ if you would like to deliver your message in real-time and bypass any avatar use.


Find out more about creating a SynthMe in the following chapter.


Section 3 – Environments


Genything also comes with a selection of venues, rooms, and backgrounds.


There are 5 venues (3D environments) that have moving cameras and screens to display content.

Most venues support the following camera movements:

  • Speaker

  • Wide Angle

  • Content

  • Speaker + Content

  • Content Mode

  • Cruise Control (automatically changes between the camera angles)


There are 15 Rooms which are static images various of room styles that can be used as a background for a session. There is no camera movement, however you can change the display in most rooms between:

  • Speaker

  • Speaker + Content

  • Content Mode


Finally, there are 9 Backgrounds that are static images which can also be used as a background for a session. Similar to Rooms, there is no camera movement and the display options in most backgrounds are:

  • Speaker

  • Speaker + Content

  • Content Mode


There is also the option to use the original background which is useful if you would like to feature your real background. Additionally, a green background is useful for chromakey for producing content for further processing in external video editing software

Section 4 – Topic and Delivery Style




This is the section where you can add a document, URL, or a prompt. You can choose to change the estimated time of the session, too. Choosing from the 6 pre-configured delivery styles or creating your own custom style will inform the way that the script is written when you press the ‘Genything’ button.


Please note: This field is not a prompt in the same way that you may have experienced with tools such as Bing and ChatGPT. You can write the name of the topic and omit any additional prompt instructions.


Creating a SynthMe




Pressing the ‘Create SynthMe’ button will open a new window. In this new window, position yourself as close to the frame as you can to create the best digital twin of yourself possible. When you are ready, click on the record button and speak naturally for the designated time.


Once you are finished, you will be able to review your recording and re-record if needed.


Press ‘Clone’ to finalise this process and after cloning is complete, you will find your digital twin available to use in the My Twins tab on the Avatar area of the Genything home screen.








Creating a Genything Project

Once you have chosen your Content Type, Avatar, Venue, and Topic, press the ‘Genything’ button.


In most cases, a script or story will be generated. Once the script or story is generated, the Genything Editor window will appear.




Starting on the left side, you can see the name of the slide theme. You can choose from one of the 21 built-in themes or choose a custom theme. Next, you can see the dark/light mode toggle.


The slide thumbnails appear in sequence and can be rearranged by clicking and dragging, and right-clicking on the slide will give the options to following options:

  • Add New Slide Before

  • Add New Slide After

  • Add Video Before

  • Add Video After

  • Delete Slide

  • Replace Slide Image

  • Override Style


The ‘Apply slides’ button will apply the slide style to the presentation without re-generating any content.

On the top-right corner of the slide, you can see the option to edit the slide. This will open the Slide Editor allowing you to use a simple text editor to manually modify the slide text as desired. Alternatively, you can click the magic wand icon to show a prompt field to use AI to rewrite your slides.



Please note: This field, unlike the starting screen, is where you need to explain to AI what changes you need, for example “Please make this text more engaging.”


Under the slide and to the left is where you can change the speaker if needed.


Below the slide is the script. Similar to the Slide Editor, you can press the magic wand icon in the script to open the Script Editor. This allows you to manually modify the script text as desired, or you can write a prompt and let Genything re-write the script based on your prompt.



Once you’re ready you can choose from the following options:


Produce Slide — This will generate the audio and video for the current slide, overwriting any existing content. Genything will then open the Genything Preview screen and start playback from the first playable slide (i.e. the one where you have video generated).

For example, if you have 5 slides in a presentation and press ‘Produce Slide’ on the 3rd slide, Genything will generate the 3rd slide, and will start playing. If you were to then press ‘Produce Slide’ on the 4th slide, the 4th slide will be generated but Genything will start playing from the 3rd slide, as this is already generated.


Show — will reopen the Genything Preview screen without generating content. 


Export — Similar to ‘Preview’ without any overwriting of existing generated content. Additionally, Genything will immediately start recording from the first slide, hide the UI and show the progress of recording. Genything will show the UI after the presentation is recorded or if you interrupt the process.


Preview — If there is no video generated for the entire presentation, ‘Preview’ will generate audio and video for all the slides and start playback in the Genything Preview window. If there is at least one slide with generated video, you will be asked if you would like to generate only the remaining non-generated slides or generate and overwrite everything.


Recording Content Using the Genything Preview Screen


Similar to the last screen, the Genything Preview Screen shows the slide thumbnails, along with a large view of the generated content. There are buttons for ‘Record’ and ‘Play’, along with a mute button above the progress timeline.


Please note: The content on this screen is a preview, there's no composed .mp4 to export until you record the session.



At the bottom of the screen, you will see the available camera angles. In the above example, you can see:



Camera Name


Cruise Control

Genything will automatically change camera angles


Genything will focus on the Speaker

Wide Angle

Genything will provide a view from further away from the Speaker and content


Genything will focus on the Screen Content

Speaker + Content

Genything will focus on the Speaker and Content

Content Mode

Genything will focus on the Content

When in Content Mode, the options for camera angles will be:



The ‘Content Mode‘ button will toggle Content Mode on or off. The ‘Hide Speaker’ button will hide or show the Speaker on top of the content.



When using a room or background, the options for camera angles will be:



The ‘Speaker’ button will change to a camera sequence that focuses on the Speaker. The ‘Speaker + Content’ button will change to a camera sequence that focuses on the Speaker and the screen content. The ‘Content Mode button will change to static camera view of the content with the option to show or hide the Speaker as mentioned above.


The Editor button shown at the bottom-right corner of the screen will open the Genything Editor window. The ‘Start vCam’ button will allow the video output of Genything to be used in video conferencing applications such as Microsoft Teams and Zoom.


Please note: The first time this button is pressed, Genything will prompt you to install a virtual camera extension and ask you to allow using this virtual camera in System Settings.

Export Options


Once you have finished recording your session, Genything will present you with the available export options.


You can choose from Video (.mp4), Audio (.m4a or .caf), or SCORM.


SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model), is a set of technical standards for eLearning software products. Let’s explore the options when choosing SCORM.


Firstly, you have the option to change mode between Score, Scaffold, and Educational.

Score — a standard quiz with only one attempt to give a correct answer.


Scaffold — A standard quiz with an extra attempt to give a correct answer per question.


Educational — A quiz where the user can't proceed to the next question until a correct answer is given.


Once you have personalized the quiz how you desire, you can press the ‘Generate’ button to generate the questions and answers.



You can view the questions and the answers with the correct answer identified by an asterix.











Pressing the ‘Preview’ button will allow you to test the quiz and experience what it will be like for your end users.


You can close this window by pressing the red button in the top-left corner. You can then click ‘Save…’ to create a zip file containing all of the assets needed to deploy the quiz.


Reporting a bug

To assist our developers to reproduce any issue, take a screenshot while in Genything and then click on the screenshot while it's still visible in the bottom right corner. Press the 'Share' button and choose the option to share feedback for Genything:








Alternatively, you can use this option within the TestFlight app:


Version 1.0 All information correct as of 13 May 2024. © Touchcast 2024

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