TouchCast Pitch Windows: Process Overview

TouchCast Pitch Windows: Process Overview

The Prepare activities build the content of the presentation authors use as they record.  Scenes are organized similarly to slides, but unlike traditional presentation tools, Pitch allows authors to incorporate engaging visual resources including websites and documents in with images and text.  For example, if you plan to reference an article or video clip from a major news provider, you can have it appear in a predetermined area of the presentation output while you discuss it. Preparing a teleprompter script ensures that you will convey information at the correct time, in the correct medium, with the correct words.    

To expedite Prepare Mode activities, Pitch provides presentation Themes and Virtual Sets which authors use to develop scenes.  A Pitch Theme provides a Scene background and a set of Scene Layouts representing common object positioning patterns for that theme.  A Pitch Virtual Set is a specialized Pitch Theme. Virtual Sets provide backgrounds and Scene Layouts associated with formal presentations and broadcast studios, e.g., auditorium, late night talk show, etc.  Themes and Virtual Sets are explained in detail in Section 4 of this Guide.

The Pitch activities combine a camera view (of the presenter) with one or more scenes to communicate a complete story or create an educational resource.  Authors control starting and pausing the recording and the Scene List and teleprompter script are linked so they may choose to record parts or entire scenes multiple times.

The Edit activities utilize an intuitive video editing interface (the clip tray) which allows authors to insert, re-record, split, and delete portions of the video created during the Record process.  For example, if the author recorded a scene twice and would like to use the second ‘take’ of that scene with just a portion from the first take appended at the end, they can do that by splitting that segment out and inserting it in the second take’s clip. Using Pitch, authors can create engaging presentations without advanced video editing experience.

Once a Pitch presentation is complete, it can be Shared with others as a simple .mp4 format file (no interactive elements) or as a fully interactive TouchCast file in the Fabric repository.  To view a shared TouchCast Pitch presentation, others must have Pitch installed.