TouchCast Studio: Video Apps (vApps) Overview

TouchCast Studio: Video Apps (vApps) Overview

"vApps", short for Video Apps, are on-screen elements that look and feel like television graphics. These apps range from document sharing to video platforms that are all user interactive and will update in real-time from inside the video in order to not interrupt the video playback. vApps allow for a seamless viewer experience, engaging and inviting the viewer to interact with the material that is being presented to them.

The main vApps that are most widely used in TouchCast Studio include (but are not limited to):

  • Web sites
  • Videos
  • Images
  • Files

The Record screen includes the vApps option as highlighted below.

When you tap this button, the Add vApp option displays.

Tap that icon to open a screen of vApps you can use in your presentation.

Some of the vApp options listed will be familiar (website, video, image, file).  Others perform very specific functions and can really enhance your presentations.  

There are are many vApps that can be used in various use cases, so we won't go over every single one, however, below are links to articles outlining the functionality of some of the vApps. We recommend exploring all of the vApp's on the vApp page, and seeing what they can offer your presentation.

Articles explaining some of the vApps listed:

List vApp

Question vApp

Poll vApp

Hot Spot vApp

Stock Image vApp

Box vApp

Photo vApp

File vApp

Google Drive vApp

Web vApp