FAQ / Issues during setup

FAQ / Issues during setup

  • Check the username and the development server IP and you are tunneling the right way from your local system.  

  • The command will look like this:

    ssh -L 20000: -i ads-srikar srikar@
  • Make sure the authorized public/private keys are in the mentioned path in the ssh command. In the above example it is ads-srikar.  

  • You can access this from port mentioned locally that is: 20000. You'll be asked username and password which has been created. 

  • Make sure that you have generated ssh keys with the email that you have registered in bitbucket. (company email ending with @touchcast.com) 

  • Check that you have added the ssh keys to bitbucket account, under Settings > Personal Bitbucket settings > SSH keys.  

  • After that try to clone the repositories into your project folder. 

  • Make sure you have access to Kubernetes services in dev by going to azure portal, logging in with your company account.  

  • If you aren’t able to run the commands in this link: Kubernetes contexts 101 | Port forwarding , successfully, then try az login and login with your company account and authorize your device.  

  • Check the subscriptions that your account is enabled on. If it is "Free Trial", you can change it to the one you see in your portal. It would be something like "Pay-as-you-go". Take help from this link: Azure CLI doesn't recognize resource group  

  • After setting your subscription, try to run the get-credentials command and access k8 context.