Touchcast for Teams v1.2.1

Release date: 1 July, 2023

Engagement feature: Survey

Setting up the survey

With the help of organization admins or Touchcast superadmin, a survey can be set up from the admin panel interface.

In this first release two types of questions are possible: open-ended(text) and close-ended (radio buttons). A survey can have multiple questions.

Admin interface of setting up a survey

Launching the survey

A survey is available to all meeting owners in the organization in the Engagements tab to launch it during their meetings.

When a survey is launched, it is displayed for meeting attendees to submit their responses.

Survey responses and analytics is available from organization panel or superadmin interface.

Surveys available for meeting owner



Multi-speaker improvements

Camera sequences have been created for the multispeaker venue “Touchcast Hall“. Depending on which props are used on the stage, cameras will move accordingly: podium + table, just podium or just table.

The Featured venues carousel will display 4 venues that were updated recently.

Widget update in Iconic venues

The widget controls have been updated for all Iconic venues. All functions are now grouped in 3 tabs:

Controls - shows camera sequences and settings, if applicable. In the future settings will have more detailed controls for the venue, like being able to change color, adjust lighting etc.

Participants - splits into two sub-tabs: Speakers and Attendees.

Engagements - all features available to Speaker that help with engaging the attendees. For the moment the Surveys will be available there. In the upcoming releases another engagement feature: Q&A will also be placed under this tab.



















Usability enhancements

Indication of steps availability

We’ve improved steps colors to clearly indicate whether a step can be clicked or not.


Information about widget and venue versions

In order to improve trouble-shooting and communications, we have added information about venue and widget versions to the venue description as well as within the widget.


An option to delete the uploaded logo has been added. It will not delete the logo from the backend, but will remove it from the popup in case you added it by mistake.


Adding the Touchcast app in-meeting when you are not the meeting owner

An improvement has been made to messaging in case a meeting participant is trying to add the Touchcast app to a running meeting without being the meeting owner. Since this is not possible, an appropriate message will appear.

Mobile UI/UX improvements

Improvements have been made to mobile layouts for venue selection and meeting creation.

Admin panel (limited availability)

Venue and widget file name and update date

Venue and widget file name as well as latest update date are available from the admin panel interface. This improvement is helpful when troulbeshooting or doing version control. Available to select users only.


Other improvements

Inviting users to the organization has been fixed.

Visibility setting for the venue has been fixed.