Studio v2.1.1 Announcement
We released v2.1.1 this morning to the App store with the following enhancements:
- No more 50 minute timeout when uploading touchcasts and projects to Fabric.
- States of clips (active/inactive) are remembered when project is saved to Fabric.
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed issue in which Studio temporarily froze at the end of importing a touchcast or project from an outside source.
- Main frame in editor changed its size a bit while scrolling through a video composition
- Depth effect could be switched on unexpectedly after changing a vApp's positioning mode from silhouette to normal.
- Clip could get a mismatch of playhead and main frame in editor after adding a clip to a composition.
- Mismatch could occur of playhead and main frame in editor after applying "Back to Start" feature.
- Wrong caption of button would appear for editing a clip's vApps after unselecting clip in the editor.
Known Issues to be fixed in v2.2:
- "Guides" button can be shown in wrong state.
- Importing a YouTube video by pasting it's URL in the editor stalls and never loads into Studio
- Materials aren't imported from document providers using the external iOS Files app.
Note: We've also received an influx of tickets regarding Google Drive issues – we are looking into a potential hotfix in the very near future due to a change on Google's side of the API. We thank you for your ongoing patience in this matter.