Save to Contacts Feature

Save to Contacts Feature



As part of the Touchcast suite of networking features, the Save to Contacts function helps engage attendees during their access of the event page and after the event. The feature allows attendees to save other attendees’ contact information both on the page and in a downloadable format for later reference. Continue reading for information on setting up the Save to Contacts feature and the analytics captured for stakeholder review pre, during, and post event. 


  1. Attendee panel: the collapsable/expandable panel located on the right-most side of the event page and in the player that features the event’s overall activated features. 

  2. Networking tabs: The section of the attendee panel that has the networking features in each tab (public chat & DM, profile). 

  3. vCard: also called a Virtual Contact File (VCF), the standard virtual business card format, used when downloading or exchanging contact information across different applications and devices.

Preparing Settings

Follow these steps to enable the feature:

  1. To enable the feature, go to Settings -> Chat Settings -> Enable Direct Message and enable Save Contacts (check).

  2. Go to Appearance and adjust the color of the “Got It” button to the event’s branding needs. The same color is applied to the buttons that will appear on user profiles: Message and Add Contact.


  1. “Enable profile” must be checked under General Settings. This will allows users to change their settings if they no longer want to participate in the Networking. Toggling the Chat & Networking to off will, hide their profile and render them unable to reach the My Contacts page.


  1. If Enable Profile is checked, please edit the text that appears next to the Profile Chat toggle under Common Labels -> Profile Chat Description Label. By default it is titled “Chat” but it often is a better user experience to edit the label to also encompass the other networking features that are enabled.


  1. You can also update the Consent text on the Network panel under Chat Settings.

  1. When an attendee downloads the contact(s) in PDF form, the CMS will pull from the PDF/email logo under General Settings and will display what is uploaded to that field. 

Controlling What’s Visible in Profiles

The information that appears in all attendees’ profiles who have opted in to networking is correlated to the registration fields of the event page. By default, the CMS has fields for name, title, company and email (mandatory) that are collected when allowlisting attendees or when attendees self-register. If additional information needs to be displayed on the profile, go to User Management > Registration fields and add the fields.


Adding a new field and selecting the checkbox next to “Display on Profile”

Selecting “Display on profile” will make that specific field available for display across all profiles. If an attendee does not provide this information at registration (if it is not a mandatory field), or if the information is not entered in the allowlisting process, the field will not appear in the specific attendee’s profile. 





The attendee profile does not show the Phone number field if left blank

The registration fields will appear on the allowlisting CSV template, which can be downloaded by going to User Management > Emails and selecting the “CSV import” button.


Using the Feature

  1. When users open the Network panel, first they will be asked to accept the terms by clicking the “Got It” button.

  2. Once in the Network panel, when attendees click on names of other people, they will see their profile with 2 buttons: Message and Add Contact:

  3. Message - opens a direct message with the user

  4. Add Contact - adds this user to the attendee’s contact list.

  5. It is possible to download the individual user contact info in 3 formats:

    1. vCard

    2. CSV

    3. PDF

  6. My Contacts page will list all saved contacts (under your own Profile). It is possible to download the group contact info in 3 formats:

    1. vCard

    2. CSV

    3. PDF

  7. A contact can be removed from the list by using the Remove Contact button.


Analytics on Saved and Downloaded contacts is available under Chat analytics.

For each user it shows:

  • how many times they were added to someone’s contact list and 

  • how many times their contact info was downloaded

Clicking the name or email address will reveal the history of saves and downloads as well as the name of the user who saved or downloaded the contacts:

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