TouchCast Studio: Quick Tour of Main Screens in Version 2.0

Why Read This Article?

Unless you are the person who learns software best by diving in and trying different combinations of actions until they ‘get somewhere’, you’ll probably want to take a few minutes to view one of the TouchCast Studio introduction videos or read this section.  What you will come away with is a basic understanding of the main screens you will use to initially create and further develop your TouchCast videos.

For those who have used Studio 1.0, much of the interface should be familiar.  There are several new features and you will probably understand why and how to use them.  

For first-time users of TouchCast Studio, the explanation of the three main screens New TouchCast, My Projects, and My TouchCasts should help you get productive quicker and allow you to move on to more advanced features of Studio.  Take advantage of the Studio Terminology presented in TouchCast Studio: Studio Terminology if you run across a term you are unfamiliar with.

New TouchCast Screen

When you log in to Studio, the first screen you see is the New TouchCast screen.

It may not necessarily be what you intend to do during your Studio session, but it is the default ‘landing’ place, and it’s easy to navigate to either of the other main screens, My Projects or My TouchCasts from here.

Assuming you really do intend to create a new TouchCast, a horizontal (scrollable) list presenting different types of TouchCasts is presented prominently on the screen.  Click on one of the TouchCast options and the Project Screen opens, providing options to create a video based on that type (plus a default type which lets you have complete control over the format and objets).

If you intend to work on a Studio project you’ve already started tap the My Projects option to select a project and resume working on it.

If you intend to view or revise the share options on a video you have already completed and uploaded to the Fabric repository tap the My TouchCasts option.

My Projects Screen

Selecting the My Projects screen presents a list of your recent projects plus an option to ‘fetch’ projects others have shared with you.  

After you select (or fetch) an existing project, the TouchCast Editor screen opens providing you options for continuing development of that project.

Select a project

Thumbnail images of your projects will be listed on this screen.  Tap one to open it and resume developing the project.

Fetch a project

Tap the Fetch option to open a project someone else has shared with you.  To fetch a project, you will need the file password.

My TouchCasts Screen

Selecting the My TouchCasts screen presents a list of the TouchCast videos you have uploaded to the Fabric repository.    

Tap the Privacy Setting field to change the setting as shown below.

After you select an existing Touchcast (by tapping the preview photo), the video attributes screen opens providing you options for viewing, changing description detail, or changing Privacy settings for that video.

Tap the Privacy Setting field to change the setting as shown below.

The Record screen is the ‘busiest’ screen in Studio.  It contains options to control the camera, audio, whiteboard, titles, and a lot more.  For now, just recognize it. These options are explained in detail in section 7 of this guide.

The sharing options available are explained in detail in a later section of this guide.

TouchCast Editor Screen

Whether you are creating a new video or continuing work on an existing project, you eventually reach the TouchCast Editor screen.  This is where you edit existing clips, record new clips (add to your project), or initiate the Save/Upload process.

TouchCast Record Screen

You’ll use the Record Screen to capture your project’s scenes so you can edit them and create your final video.

TouchCast Editor Screen

Whether you are creating a new video or continuing work on an existing project, you eventually reach the TouchCast Editor screen.  This is where you edit existing clips, record new clips (add to your project), or initiate the Save/Upload process.

The Clip Tray located below the current frame display allows you to delete specific clips and frames within clips.  You can duplicate, trim, and add clips to the video using the edit screen. These options are explained in detail in section 8 of this guide.

Upload & Share Screen

Once you are satisfied with your clips, you are ready to upload and share the finished video.  The Upload & Share screen provides options to:

  • Edit the video name
  • Edit the video description
  • Upload the video to the TouchCast Fabric repository and set privacy settings
  • Export the video as a TouchCast or MP4 file
  • Publish the video on YouTube
  • Save the video to your device (camera roll)